Learning at Different Stages in Life

School hasn’t always been my favorite thing to attend. I loved elementary school, but as time went on I felt like I was bored. I only liked a few of my classes, but it was still up to me to absorb everything that I was being taught. I really loved my math classes, my Government class, and my Ag classes. Just because I didn’t like the other ones didn’t mean I could doze off.

Now looking back at high school, I wish I could have learned based on my passions. I understand this is a kind of a hard to incorporate into every class, but it would have been nice. I noticed that I gave more effort in the classes that I enjoyed. As I reflect on the class that I am taking this semester, Literacy in the Digital Age, I am seeing more ways to incorporate passionate learning.

Through my ILP I have learned to let your passions lead you. I chose something that I really wanted to focus on which made me become a better learner. I got to learn something every week that I was interested in learning, which honestly made learning so much fun. I looked forward to spending a few hours to myself just focusing on my ILP. This class has opened my eyes to several ways I can be a better teacher in the future through independent-learning-projects.

As a teacher, it is extremely important to have an innovators mindset. I found this great quote in The Mindset of an Innovator, “I build upon what I already know, but I do not limit myself to myself. I am open to and willing to embrace new learning, while continuously asking questions to move on.” I found this quote by George Couros absolutely amazing. This is so true, and as a teacher it is our jobs to continue to advance with the generations to come. I plan on incorporating ILP in my classroom, so that students get the opportunity to embrace their own passions! I think freedom in the classroom can go a long way. Not only does it let students enjoy their passions, it allows them to do research on their own.

I also want to be a parent (I’ve always wanted to be the best mom ever)! I want to allow my children to become their own person. I think letting children have time to play lets them explore and with that comes lots of their own learning. By letting children play, you are allowing them to be independent and focus on what they want to. I think freedom also plays a role in childhood and parenting. As a parent, it is good to let children make mistakes and learn from it on their own. It may be hard, but it could be great for your children to make some decisions on their own.

We will all go through different stages and phases in our lives. We all have the opportunity to be passionate about whatever it may be. And it is never too late to decide to follow your passion in life. We can be life-long learners by embracing new things and keeping up with the generations to come. We will have to stay life-long learners to be advanced in the teaching department.

Another great article to check out is Learning. It not about Education. This article touches base on some different ideas that is good to be aware of as a future teacher!

Learning Quote

Photo CC BY Pinterest

2 thoughts on “Learning at Different Stages in Life

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  1. I love your thoughts about following our passions and helping our students and our own children to find and follow theirs, too! Thanks for your reminder to keep things interesting!


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