Restore Hope.

Is our hope lost? Sometimes I feel like there is no hope left. I feel lost and a little confused. And I can’t understand why bad things happen to good people. So many questions run through my head.

The past year was a rough year for my family and I. It was my freshmen year of college, which was already stressful and scary. Bad events continued to take place, and I began to lose hope. I kept asking myself, “Why would God let something so terrible in my life happen?” My hope in God was disappearing and I knew that was the wrong path to take. One of my friends had this book with some bible verses in it. So she let me borrow it. It was the Complete Guide to the Bible, Student Edition by Stephen M. Miller. I read some of the bible verses and I began to pray, “God to help my family and I get through this time. Help us continue to worship you Lord. We are putting this all in your hands Lord.” The thing about prayer is that you can’t just pray words. You have to have faith that God will do the things you pray for. You have to believe that it really is all in God’s hands. That is one of the first steps to restoring hope.

Psalm 62:5-6

“Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken.”

I continued to pray that God would help me through this tough time. Months went by, I began to completely lose hope that God was going to help me. I felt lost and hopeless. But I kept praying, and I can say proudly that God restored my hope and faith. Although things didn’t get better with my family, God worked in me. He never gave up on me. He helped me see that everything happens for a reason and that we will be okay if we are anchored in hope.

Hebrews 6:19

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul”

Things might not always work out in your favor. But God has a plan. He’s watching over us and protecting us. In bad times like money problems, sickness, and death, we may see no plan no reason for this devastation. But God has a reason, and he will continue to work in our hearts if we just believe. When we begin to have doubt and lose hope, we need to pray and remember God is control and he will get us through this tough time.

I am still praying that God will help heal my family. I am asking Big that he will take the hurt away. It might not happen today or anytime soon. But I am not going to give up. I am going to continue to but my hope in the Lord because he will do great things. To find Bible verses about hope click here.

All it takes is a little hope.

Bible Students



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