Mindful With Our Technology


When I read the title for this week’s module I didn’t know what to expect. But the second I dove into reading the material I became interested. This week we are focusing on mindfulness. I am so glad that we are talking about mindfulness because I think this is really important in today’s society. When I say mindfulness I am talking about how we use the internet and technology.

When I think about the times I use my phone, I realized that sometimes I am not being respectful or mindful of the people I am around. For example, sometimes my roommate is talking to me and I am only listening to about 40% of what she says. Now thinking back, I find that to be rude and something I need to work on more. There are other times such as when I am on a date with my boyfriend that I rarely use my phone because this time is for us to be together and not on social media. I would say that I am in the middle of being mindful. I could definitely work on it, although there are some people way worse than I am.

I think one thing that is so important is family time. You know sitting around and just sharing your day and laughing with the people you love. My family has a rule that there are no phones at the table. If you are on your phone it is taken and put in the phone box (which is an empty coffee can). I think that this is a time when we need to be more attentive and just enjoy the time we have with the people who love us and who we love. Another time that I see so many people on their phone is during class. I think one it is so rude and disrespectful to be on your phone while the teacher is working hard to ensure you are learning. I’m not saying that I am never on my phone during class, but sometimes I see students never take their eyes off their phone. I mean what is the point in going to class if you’re not even going to listen.

Once I read about the Moment App, I went and downloaded it immediately. This app tracks how often you are on your phone and much more. Once I learned about this app, I told some of my friends and they went and downloaded it too. We were taking guesses at how long we would be on our phones! I am excited to hear their results. I think this app can really help you be mindful of how often you are on your phone. I have only had it downloaded for about a day and I have been more mindful.

After reading the article What Happens When Teens Try To Disconnect From Tech For Three Days, I could relate to what I had read. A few years ago my family went on a cruise to the Bahamas. Since we were in the middle of the ocean we weren’t able to use our phones. At first I was freaked out like “What am I going to miss? I won’t be able to check my Instagram or Snapchat or talk to my friends.” Let’s just say I was panicked. But by day two, I began to feel relief and just have fun! It was kind of nice to not have to worry about my phone.

I think we all need to work on our mindfulness and not using as much technology!

I found this great tweet!

Technology is dangerous

Photo CC By Pinterest

6 thoughts on “Mindful With Our Technology

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  1. I agree with this post so much! It is too easy to get caught up in our technology and neglect personal relationships. Technology is definitely here to stay and it is useful, we just need to be mindful of when and how much we use it.


  2. After reading your post I also went and downloaded the app! I also agree with you that being caught up in our technology we often forget about our personal relationships! Technology is everywhere and it is so hard not to interact with it.


  3. I find myself looking at my phone while talking so some people as well. Other times like when I’m with my husband I won’t even have my phone is the same room as me. I need to work on when I use my phone and when I don’t. Great post!!!


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